Title: Electron repulsion integrals for self-energy calculations
Authors: Y Pavlyukh , J Berakdar
Abstract: A fast algorithm for the calculation of the electron repulsion integrals in an atomic basis is a prerequisite of any ab initio quantum chemistry method. Unlike the case of a self-consistent field (SCF) approach, correlated methods often require a full or partial integral transformation to the molecular basis. The run- time of such an algorithm scales unfavorably as O(N ? where N ? is the number of the basis function, and additionally poses high requirements on the computer memory. The problem is aggravated in the case of large highly symmetric molecules which can only be modeled by fully taking the symmetry into account (as was recently demonstrated by us in J. Chem. Phys. 135 (2011) 201103). Wedescribe here the algorithm for the calculation of the electron repulsion integrals, the transformation and their use in the correlated Green s function approach for systems with icosahedral symmetry.
Publish Year: 2013
Published in: Computer Physics Communications - Science Direct
Title: Clustering via geometric median shift over Riemannian manifolds
Authors: Yang Wang, Xiaodi Huang, Lin Wu
Abstract: The mean shift algorithms have been successfully applied to many areas, such as data clustering, feature analysis, and image segmentation. However, they still have two limitations. One is that they are ineffective in clustering data with low dimensional manifolds because of the use of the Euclidean distance for calculating distances. The other is that they some- times produce poor results for data clustering and image segmentation. This is because a mean may not be a point in a data set. In order to overcome the two limitations, we pro- pose a novel approach for the median shift over Riemannian manifolds that uses the geo- metric median and geodesic distances. Unlike the mean, the geometric median of a data set is one of points in the set. Compared to the Euclidean distance, the geodesic distances can better describe data points distributed on Riemannian manifolds. Based on these two facts, we first present a novel density function that characterizes points on a manifold with the geodesic distance. The shift of the geometric median over the Riemannian manifold is derived from maximizing this density function. After this, we present an algorithm for geo- metric median shift over Riemannian manifolds, together with theoretical proofs of its cor- rectness. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in data clustering, image segmentation, and noise filtering on both synthetic data sets and real image databases.
Publish Year: 2013
Published in: Information Sciences - Science Direct
Title: A Structural Analysis of Emerging Production Systems
Authors: Luis Ribeiro, Rogrio Rosa, Jos Barata
Abstract: A cornerstone of modern production paradigms is the encapsulation of heterogeneity and system complexity. This functional encapsulation is supported by distinct architectural building blocks that once instantiated abstract, manage and control a specific system. Modern production approaches rely in semi hierarchical architectures to organize the interactions between these blocks. In runtime this specific structure promotes a self-organizing response resulting from concurrent interaction between the system�s components. This paper simulates the execution of processes in a network of mechatronic agents comprising products, processes� abstractions and resources and analyses the impact of the typical network structure envisioned by modern production paradigms in respect to the time consumed in the production process.
Title: Integration of Face Recognition and Sound Localization for a Smart Door Phone System
Authors: Taewan Kim, Hyungsoo Park, and Yunmo Chung
Abstract: This paper proposes a smart system using both face recognition and sound localization techniques to identify the faces of visitors from a door phone in much efficient and accurate ways. This system is effectively used to recognize the faces when their locations are out of the boundaries of the camera scope of the door phone. The smart door phone system proposed in this paper uses a visitor’s voice source to rotate the camera to his face and then to recognize the face accurately. The integrated system has been designed with one FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array) chip and tested for actual use in door phone environments.
Title: Design of a Mastering System for Digital Cinema
Authors: Yeonjeong Jeong, Bumho Kim, Kisong Y oon
Abstract: Digital Cinema Initiatives released a set of technical specifications and requirements for Digital Cinema. The mastering system of digital cinema produces the Digital Cinema Package (DCP) which has been designed to deliver digital cinema contents such as image, audio and subtitle between Digital Cinema content processing centers. We propose a mastering system that covers the packaging process of DCP for Digital Cinema content and protection of it.
Abstract: Due to the nonlinearity, uncertainty and complex-ity of the power system, it is a challenging task to design aneffective control approach based on the exact model using tradi-tional methods. In this paper, we investigate the application of anovel approximate dynamic programming (ADP) architecture,goal representation heuristic dynamic programming (GrHDP),to a large benchmark power system. Unlike traditional ADPdesign with an action network and a critic network, GrHDPintegrates the third network, a goal network, into the actor-critic design (ACD) to automatically and adaptively build an in-ternal reinforcement signal representation to facilitate learningand optimization. Then the GrHDP is employed to control thebenchmark power system including a DFIG based wind farmand a STATCOM with HVDC transmission. Various powersystem states, including the voltage of STATCOM, current ofDFIG and DC current of HVDC inverter, are provided to theGrHDP controller to generate three adaptive supplementarycontrol signals. These adaptive supplementary control signalsare then provided to the STATCOM controller, DFIG rotor sidecontroller and HVDC master control, respectively. This controlstructure is validated in Matlab/Simulink to demonstrate itseffectiveness in power system control.
Title: A framework for enabling patient monitoring via mobile ad hoc network
Authors: Sweta Sneha, Upkar Varshney
Abstract: A critical component of comprehensive patient monitoring is reliability in communication between the patients and the healthcare professionals without any time and location dependencies. Patient monitoring applications largely rely on infrastructure based wireless networks for signal transmission. However, infrastructure based wireless networks till date, suffer from unpredictable network coverage and have thus been attributed to the unpredictable communication reliability of patient monitoring applications. This research investigates an approach based on leveraging mobile ad hoc network to address the challenge of enhancing communication reliability in the context of patient monitoring. Mobile ad hoc network, formed among patient monitoring devices, has the potential of enhancing network coverage and enabling signal transmission from an area which has low or non-existent coverage from infrastructure based networks. In order to utilize mobile ad hoc network in the context of patient monitoring we propose (1) power management protocols that address the challenge of managing the low battery power of patient monitoring devices while maximizing communication reliability and (2) a framework that models the complex decision logic involved in leveraging mobile ad hoc network for diverse patient monitoring scenarios. Analytical evaluation of the proposed approach supports the premise that mobile ad hoc network formed among patient monitoring devices can enhance the reliability of signal transmission thereby improving the quality of patient monitoring applications. Technical and managerial implications of the research findings and the direction of future research are discussed.
Publish Year: 2013
Published in: Decision Support Systems - Science Direct
Title: Common Mode Noise Modeling and Analysis of Full-Bridge DC-DC Converter
Authors: Jin Zhi Li, Trillion Q Zheng, Ming Zhi He
Abstract: The principle of full-bridge DC-DC converter is briefly expounded, including the two typical control methods, named limited dual polarity hard-switch control and phase-shifted soft-switch control. Then the common mode noise equivalent circuits of full-bridge DC-DC converter are deduced, taking the common mode noise of the bridge leg_s midpoint into account, and the difference between the two typical control strategies is illustrated through theoretical analysis. In the end, simulations are performed to validate the circuit models and theoretical analysis.
Title: Slim Ware: Dynamic Interfacing Method for Lightweight Middleware in Mobile Computing
Authors: TaeGyu Lee, GiSoo Chung
Abstract: we propose the dynamics and mobility interface method for light-weighting of middleware in mobile computing applications. The previous middleware did not properly support the lightweight and mobility of mobile user terminals. Therefore this paper presents the dynamic configuration method of mobile middleware components and the mobility interface strategy. The proposed middleware system called of "SlimWare" provides the component dynamic logic and the interface design.
Abstract: This paper presents the framework of an RFID-based rescue robot for missing people in forest environment. The three main design considerations include the reliability, the cost, and the environmental sustainability. For that, the paper analyzes different outdoor location technologies that can be used for this task, namely GPS, WiMAX and RFID. Former research in mobile robots based on GPS and WiMAX has resulted in high costs systems while RFID offers a lower cost alternative. The aim of this work is to provide an already existing mobile robot with RFID technology. Moreover, to overcome the inability of current rescue robots to detect human presence, the addition of an Infrared camera with thermal sensors is discussed. Finally, in order to optimize the energy management and to increase the autonomy of the rescue robot, the paper presents a power supply solution using solar energy.
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خبرنامه وب سایت:
وب سایت:
بازدید امروز : 21
بازدید دیروز : 10
بازدید هفته : 85
بازدید ماه : 246
بازدید کل : 316280
تعداد مطالب : 143
تعداد نظرات : 1
تعداد آنلاین : 1