Title: Solution blown nanofibrous membrane for microfiltration
Authors: Xupin Zhuang a,b , Lei Shi a , Kaifei Jia a , Bowen Cheng b,n , Weimin Kang
Abstract: Nanofibrous membranes have been paid attention in microfiltration. Solution blowing process is a new nanofiber fabricating method with high productivity. In this study, polyvinylidene fiuoride (PVDF) nanofibrous mat was successfully solution blown using a multiorifices die. The fibers were mostly 60 280 nm in diameter and three-dimensional curly which resulted in a loose construction with high porosity of 95.8%. The nanofibrous mat was further hot-pressed to increase its integrality. The structure and microfiltration performance was evaluated. The results showed the crystallinity of the membranes increased, the porosity and pore size decreased after hot-pressing treatment. The hot-pressed membranes showed high retention ratio against microparticles and high pure water fiux which will help the solution blown membrane find application in high fiux microfiltration.
Publish Year: 2013
Published in: Journal of Membrane Science - Science Direct
Title: Quotients and weakly algebraic sets in pseudoeffect algebras
Authors: HaiYang Li JiGen Peng
Abstract: In the paper, we show that the quotient ½E I of alattice-ordered pseudoeffect algebra E with respect to anormal weak Riesz ideal I is linearly ordered if and only ifI is a prime normal weak Riesz ideal, and ½E I is a repre-sentable pseudo MV-algebra if and only if I is an inter-section of prime normal weak Riesz ideals. Moreover, weintroduce the concept of weakly algebraic sets in pseudo-effect algebras, discuss the characterizations of weaklyalgebraic sets and show that weakly algebraic sets inpseudoeffect algebra E are in a one-to-one correspondencewith normal weak Riesz ideals in pseudoeffect algebra E:
مجموعه ایران سای به عنوان بزرگترین پایگاه مقالات معتبر انگلیسی در ایران، مفتخر است طرح حمایت مالی خود از دانشجویان تحصیلات تکمیلی دانشگاهها و موسسات آموزش عالی ایران را ارائه کند. بر این اساس، ایران سای تصمیم دارد در راستای کمک و ترغیب دانشجویان و پژوهشگران جوان کشورمان به مشارکت در کنفرانس های معتبر بین المللی مبلغ دو میلیون ریال به عنوان کمک هزینه سفر به صورت بلاعوض به ارائه دهندگان مقالات کمک مالی نماید.
شرایط استفاده از طرح
·متقاضی باید نویسنده اول مقاله بوده و سخنران مقاله باشد.
·متقاضی باید دانشجوی تحصیلات تکمیلی در یکی از دانشگاهها یا موسسات آموزش عالی ایران باشد.
·متقاضی باید فارسی زبان و ایرانی الاصل باشد.
·کنفرانس مورد نظر بایستی مورد تایید هیات تخصصی داوران ایران سای قرار گیرد.
نحوه درخواست
متقاضیان باید مستندات زیر را به آدرس Info@IranSci.IR با عنوان "کمک هزینه مشارکت در کنفرانس بین المللی" ارسال نمایند و منتظر بررسی درخواست خود در هیات داوران ایران سای بمانند. فرایند ارزیابی حداکثر یک هفته به طول خواهند انجامید و ایران سای در رد یا قبول درخواست ها تام الاختیار می باشد. لذا ارسال مدارک به منزله تاییدیه پرداخت کمک هزینه یا هرگونه تعهد دیگری نمی باشد.
مستندات مورد نیاز(3 عدد فایل PDF)
1.صفحه اول مقاله در قالب فایل PDF
2.مشخصات شخصی و علمی + مشخصات کنفرانس (همگی در یک صفحه) در قالب فایل PDF شامل موارد ذیل:
·نام و نام خانوادگی، رشته و مقطع تحصیلی، دانشگاه محل تحصیل، کپی کارت دانشجویی
·شماره 16 رقمی روی کارت حساب بانکی که با مشخصات متقاضی مطابقت کند
·نام و مشخصات کنفرانس و آدرس وب سایت کنفرانس جهت ارزیابی
3.نامه پذیرش مقاله توسط کنفرانس
نحوه پرداخت کمک هزینه
مبلغ دو میلیون ریال پس از بازگشت متقاضی از سفر به حساب بانکی سخنران مقاله واریز می گردد.
Abstract: Web Services is a technology for building distributed software applications that are built upon a set of information and communication standards. Among those standards is the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) which is an XML-based language for describing service descriptions. Service providers will publish WSDL documents of their Web services so that service consumers can learn about service capability and how to interface with the services. Since WSDL documents are the primary source of service information, readability of WSDL documents is of concern to service providers, i.e. service descriptions should be understood with ease by service consumers. Providing highly readable service descriptions can then be used as a strategy to attract service consumers. However, given highly readable information in the WSDL documents, competitors are able to learn know-how and can copy the design to offer competing services. Security attacks such as information espionage, client impersonation, command injection, and denial of service are also possible since attackers can learn about exchanged data and invocation patterns from WSDL documents. While readability of service descriptions makes Web services discoverable, it contributes to service vulnerability too. Service designers therefore should consider this trade-off when designing service descriptions. Currently there is no readability measurement for WSDL documents. We propose an approach to such measurement so that service designers can determine if readability is too low or too high with regard to service discoverability, service imitation, and service attack issues, and then can consider increasing or lowering service description readability accordingly. Our readability measurement is based on the concepts or terms in service domain knowledge. Given a WSDL document as a service description, readability is defined in terms of the use of difficult words in the description and the use of words that are key concepts in the service domain. As an example, we measure readability of the WSDL document of public Web services, and outline a method to lower or increase readability.
ای پادشه خوبان، داد از غم تنهایی دل بی تو به جان آمد، وقت است که بازآیی
دیرزمانی است که مومنان و آزادمردان دنیا قدوم مبارکش را انتظار میکشند تا دنیای پر از تباهی و تاریکی را به نور خویش روشن فرماید و امروز که تاریکی بیش از هر زمانی در همیشه تاریخ بر سرتاسر کره خاکی حکمفرما شده و صاحبان زور و زر در لباس سپاهیان شیطان هر روز بیش از روز قبل به فساد و ظلم و جور میپردازند و جاهلان عصر مدرن نیز با چشمهایی که نمی بینند، گوشهایی که نمی شوند و زبانهایی که نمی گویند، نمی خواهند گامی در راه کمک به مستضعفان و مظلومان بردارند، هر لحظه نبودنش را بیش از پیش احساس کرده و برای تعجیل در ظهورش دست به دعا بر میداریم اَللّهُمَّ کُنْ لِوَلِیِّکَ الْحُجَّةِ بْنِ الْحَسَنِ صَلَواتُکَ عَلَیْهِ وَعَلى آبائِهِ فی هذِهِ السّاعَةِ وَفی کُلِّ ساعَةٍ وَلِیّاً وَحافِظاً وَقائِداً وَناصِراً وَدَلیلاً وَعَیْناً حَتّى تُسْکِنَهُ أَرْضَکَ طَوْعاً وَتُمَتِّعَهُ فیها طَویلاً.
فرا رسیدن نیمه شعبان، سالروز میلاد یگانه منجی عالم بشریت حضرت مهدی (عج)، مبارک باد.
Title: A method for the coating of a polymer inclusion membrane with a monolayer of silver nanoparticles
Authors: Ya Ya N Bonggotgetsakul, Robert W Cattrall, Spas D Kolev
Abstract: The preparation of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) is described using a polymer inclusion membrane (PIM) consisting of 45% (m/m) di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) and 55% (m/m) poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) as a template. The Ag(I) ion was ?rstly extracted into the membrane via cation-exchange and then subsequently reduced with NaBH , trisodium citrate, citric acid, or L-ascorbic acid to form AgNPs. The most effective reducing agent was found to be L-ascorbic acid which at pH 2.0 formed a uniform monolayer of AgNPs of an average size of 360 nm on the surface of the PIM. Citric acid also produced AgNPs but these were embedded in the bulk of the membrane and did not provide a good surface coverage. NaBH and trisodium citrate, on the other hand, gave rise to the formation of black silver oxide on the membrane surface. Factors such as the membrane loading with Ag(I), PIM composition, reduction time, temperature and shaking time were found to have a significant influence on the surface coverage and size of the AgNPs.
Publish Year: 2013
Published in: Journal of Membrane Science - Science Direct
Title: DNA extraction method with improved efficiency and specificity using DNA methyltransferase and click chemistry
Authors: Alexander B Artyukhin , YounHi Woo
Abstract: In an attempt to develop an alternative method to extract DNA from complex samples with much improved sensitivity and efficiency, here we report a proof-of-concept work for a new DNA extraction method using DNA methyltransferase (Mtase) and click chemistry. According to our preliminary data, the method has improved the current methods by (i) employing a DNA-specific enzyme, TaqI DNA Mtase, for improved selectivity, and by (ii) capturing the DNA through covalent bond to the functionalized surface, enabling a broad range of treatments yielding the final sample DNA with minimal loss and higher purity such that it will be highly compatible with downstream analyses. By employing Mtase, a highly DNA specific and efficient enzyme, and click chemistry, we demonstrated that as little as 0.1 fg of k-DNA (close to copy number 1) was captured on silica (Si)-based beads by forming a covalent bond between an azide group on the surface and the propargyl moiety on the DNA. This method holds promise in versatile applications where extraction of minute amounts of DNA plays critical roles such as basic and applied molecular biology research, bioforensic and biosecurity sciences, and state-of-the-art detection methods.
Publish Year: 2012
Published in: Analytical Biochemistry - Journal of Science Direct
Title: The Application of Coal Cleaning Detection System based on Embedded Real-time Image Processing
Authors: Qian Mu ,Jixian Dong
Abstract: This paper introduces a high-speed image processing of embedded systems based on FPGA and DSP collaboration used in coal preparation detection technology. The system uses a modular design, including a real-time image acquisition module, DSP image processing module, and peripheral interface module. The image processing required doing the following arithmetic operations, including image smoothing to enhance, edge detection, region segmentation, gray-scale analysis, pattern recognition. After completion of the above algorithm, the system determines the image feature of coal and gangue, particularly their gray scale values and the center of gravity. By analysis of the characteristics of the image, the system identifies the gangue. The image processing is conducive to the follow-up to discharge refuse treatment.
Title: Business Process based Initial Modeling at Software Development
Authors: J Tick
Abstract: The fundamental problem of high-level quality software development is the elaboration of well-designed and correct model of the developing system. The most critical phase is the “birth” of the model, the specification of the initial model. This paper describes the method to use the already existing Business Process Model to set up the initial model for the software to be developed. Especially Business Process Management systems can be well described by business processes using workflow. This paper makes recommendations how to incorporate workflow in the development process. The basic principle of the method to elaborate the initial model is that using the usually already existing workflow an UML action diagram can be worked out with the help of mapping that can be a useful additional source for further development processes.
Title: Qcompiler: Quantum compilation with the CSD method
Authors: YG Chen, JB Wang
Abstract: In this paper, we present a general quantum computation compiler, which maps any given quantum algorithm to a quantum circuit consisting a sequential set of elementary quantum logic gates based on recursive cosine sine decomposition. The resulting quantum circuit diagram is provided by directly linking the package output written in LaTeX to Qcircuit.tex We illustrate the use of the Qcompiler package through various examples with full details of the derived quantum circuits. Besides its accuracy, generality and simplicity, Qcompiler produces quantum circuits with significantly reduced number of gates when the systems under study have a high degree of symmetry.
Publish Year: 2013
Published in: Computer Physics Communications - Science Direct
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وب سایت:
بازدید امروز : 14
بازدید دیروز : 10
بازدید هفته : 78
بازدید ماه : 239
بازدید کل : 316273
تعداد مطالب : 143
تعداد نظرات : 1
تعداد آنلاین : 1