Title: Interface-Based Object-Oriented Design with Mock Objects
Authors: Nandigam, J.; Gudivada, V.N.; Hamou-Lhadj, A.; Yonglei Tao
Abstract: Interfaces are fundamental in object-oriented systems. One of the principles of reusable object-oriented design, according to Gamma et al., is program to an interface, not an implementation. Interface-based systems display three key characteristics - flexibility, extensibility, and pluggability. Designing with interfaces is therefore a better way of building object-oriented systems. Getting students in introductory software engineering and design courses to program to interfaces and develop interface-based systems is a challenge. This paper presents our experiences with the use of mock objects to promote interface-based design and effective unit testing in software engineering and design courses.
Title: Low Complexity Routing Algorithm for Rearrangeable Switching Networks
Authors: Amitabha Chakrabarty Martin Collier
Abstract: Rearrangeable switching networks have been a topicof interest for a long time among the research community.Routing algorithms for this class of networks have attractedlots of researchers along with other related areas, such asmodiï¬cation of the networks structure, crosspoints reduction etc.In this paper a new routing algorithm is presented for symmetricrearrangeable networks built with 2 × 2 switching element. Anew matrix based abstraction model is derived to determineconflict free routing paths for each input-output request. Eachstage of a network is mapped into a set of sub-matrices andnumber of matrices in each stage correspond to number ofsubnetworks in that stage. Once the input permutation is given,matrix cells are populated with binary values depending onthe position of the switching elements in the actual hardwareand their mapped matrix cells. These binary values control therouting decision in the underlying hardware. This new routingalgorithm is capable of connection setup for partial permutation,m = ÏN , where N is the total input numbers and m is thenumber of active inputs. Overall the serial time complexity ofthis method is O(N logN)1 and O(mlogN) where all N inputsare active and with m < N active inputs respectively. Thetime complexity of this routing algorithm in a parallel machinewith N completely connected processors is O(log2N). With mactive requests the time complexity goes down to O(logmlogN),which is better than the O(log2m + logN), reported in theliterature for 212[(log2Nâˆ_4logN)12âˆ_logN ] ≤ Ï â‰¤ 1. Later half ofthis paper demonstrates how this routing algorithm is applicablefor crosstalk free routing in optical domain.
Title: Noise Robust Voice Detector for Speaker Recognition
Authors: Gabriel Hernandez, Jose R Calvo, Rafael Fernandez, Ivis Rodes and Rafael Martnez
Abstract: The effect of additive noise in a speaker recognition system is well known to be a crucial problem in real life applications. In a speaker recognition system, if the test utterance is corrupted by any type of noise, the performance of the system notoriously degrades. The use of a noise robust voice detector to determine which audio frame is a voice frame is proposed in this work. The new detector is implemented using an Ada-Boosting algorithm in a voiced-unvoiced sound classifier based on speech waveform only. Results reflect better performance of robust speaker recognition based on selected voice segments, respects to unselected segments, in front to additive white noise.
Title: Accelerating Pollard’s Rho Algorithm on Finite Fields
Authors: Jung Hee Cheon, Jin Hong , and Minkyu Kim
Abstract: Most generic and memory efficient algorithms for solving the discrete logarithm problem construct a certain random graph consisting of group element nodes and return the solution when a collision is found among the graph nodes. In this work, we develop a technique for traveling through the random graph with- out fully computing each node and also provide an extension to the distinguished point collision detection method that is suitable for this new situation. Concrete constructions of this technique for multiplicative subgroups of the finite fields are given. Our implementations confirm that the proposed technique provides practical speedup over existing algorithms.
Publish Year: 2012
Publisher: Journal of Cryptography - Journal of Springer
Title: Bricolage: Example-Based Retargeting for Web Design
Authors: Ranjitha Kumar Jerry O Talton Salman Ahmad Scott R Klemmer
Abstract: The Web provides a corpus of design examples unparalleled in human history. However, leveraging existing designs to produce new pages is often difficult. This paper introduces the Bricolage algorithm for transferring design and content between Web pages. Bricolage employs a novel, structured-prediction technique that learns to create coherent mappings between pages by training on human-generated exemplars. The produced mappings are then used to automatically transfer the content from one page into the style and layout of an-other. We show that Bricolage can learn to accurately repro-duce human page mappings, and that it provides a general, efficient, and automatic technique for retargeting content between a variety of real Web pages.
Title: Secret Sharing Scheme Suitable for Cloud Computing
Authors: Satoshi Takahashi Keiichi Iwamura
Abstract: Secret sharing schemes have recently been considered to apply for cloud computing in which many users distribute multiple data to servers. However, when Shamir s(k,n) secret sharing is applied to cloud systems, the amount of share increases more than n times the amount of the secret. Therefore, in this paper we propose a new secret sharing scheme that can reduce the amount of share different from Ramp type secret sharing, suitable for cloud systems, and we prove that it is computationally secure.
Abstract: Knowledge mobilisation is a transition from theprevailing knowledge management technology that has beenwidely used in industry for the last 20 years to a new meth-odology and some innovative methods for knowledge rep-resentation, formation and development and for knowledgeretrieval and distribution. Knowledge mobilisation aims atcoming to terms with some of the problems of knowledgemanagement and at the same time to introduce new theory,new methods and new technology. More precisely, this paperpresents an outline of a fuzzy ontology as an enhanced ver-sion of classical ontology and demonstrates some advantagesfor practical decision making. We show that a number of softcomputing techniques, e.g. aggregation functions and inter-val valued fuzzy numbers, will support effective and practicaldecision making on the basis of the fuzzy ontology. Wedemonstrate the knowledge mobilisation methods with theconstruction of a support system for finding the best availablewine for a number of wine drinking occasions using a fuzzywine ontology and fuzzy reasoning methods; the supportsystem has been implemented for a Nokia N900 smart phone.
Title: Mission Assurance Increased with Regression Testing
Authors: Roland Lang
Abstract: Knowing what to test is an important attribute in any testing campaign, especially when it has to be right or the mission could be in jeopardy. The New Horizons mission, developed and operated by the John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, received a planned major upgrade to their Mission Operations and Control (MOC) ground system architecture. Early in the mission planning it was recognized that the ground system platform would require an upgrade to assure continued support of technology used for spacecraft operations. With the planned update to the six year operational ground architecture from Solaris 8 to Solaris 10, it was critical that the new architecture maintain critical operations and control functions. The New Horizons spacecraft is heading to its historic rendezvous with Pluto in July 2015 and then proceeding into the Kuiper Belt. This paper discusses the Independent Software Acceptance Testing (ISAT) Regression test campaign that played a critical role to assure the continued success of the New Horizons mission. The New Horizons ISAT process was designed to assure all the requirements were being met for the ground software functions developed to support the mission objectives. The ISAT team developed a test plan with a series of test case designs. The test objectives were to verify that the software developed from the requirements functioned as expected in the operational environment. As the test cases were developed and executed, a regression test suite was identified at the functional level. This regression test suite would serve as a crucial resource in assuring the operational system continued to function as required with such a large scale change being introduced. Some of the New Horizons ground software changes required modifications to the most critical functions of the operational software. Of particular concern was the new MOC architecture (Solaris 10) is Intel based and little end ian, and the legacy architecture (Solaris 8) was SPARC based and big end ian. The presence of byte swap issues that might not have been identified in the required software changes was very real and can be difficult to find. The ability to have test designs that would exercise all major functions and operations was invaluable to assure that critical operations and tools would operate as they had since first operational use. With the longevity of the mission also came the realization that the original ISAT team would not be the people working on the ISAT regression testing. The ability to have access to all original test designs and test results identified in the regression test suite greatly improved the ability to identify not only the expected system behavior, but also the actual behavior with the old architecture.
Publish Year: 2013
Published in: Aerospace - IEEE
Number of Pages: 8
موضوع: مهندسی نرم افزار، تست نرم افزار، تست مجتمع سازی
Title: Numerical simulation and optimization of CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers
Authors: Zheming Zhang, Ramesh Agarwal
Abstract: With heightened concerns on CO2 emissions from coal fired electricity generation plants, there has been major emphasis in recent years on the development of safe and economical Carbon Dioxide Capture and Sequestration (CCS) technology worldwide. Saline reservoirs are attractive geological sites for CO2 sequestration because of their huge capacity for long term sequestration. Over the last decade, numerical simulation codes have been developed in US, Europe and Japan to determine a priori the CO2 storage capacity of a saline aquifer and to provide risk assessment with reasonable confidence before the actual deployment of CO2 sequestration can proceed with enormous investment. In US, the 2nd version of Transport of Unsaturated Groundwater and Heat (TOUGH2) numerical simulator has been widely used for this purpose. However at present, it does not have the ability to determine optimal parameters such as injection rate, injection pressure, injection depth for vertical and horizontal wells, etc. for optimization of the CO2 storage capacity and for minimizing the leakage potential by confining the plume migration. This paper describes the development of a “Genetic Algorithm (GA)” based optimizer for TOUGH2 that can be used by the industry with good confidence to optimize the CO2 storage capacity in a saline aquifer of interest. This new code including the TOUGH2 and the GA optimizer is designated as “GATOUGH2”. It has been validated by conducting simulations of three widely used benchmark problems by the CCS researchers worldwide: (a) study of CO2 plume evolution and leakage through an abandoned well, (b) study of enhanced CH4 recovery in combination with CO2 storage in depleted gas reservoirs, and (c) study of CO2 injection into a heterogeneous geological formation. The results of these simulations are in excellent agreement with those of other researchers using different codes. The validated code has been employed to optimize the proposed water-alternating-gas (WAG) injection scheme for (a) a vertical CO2 injection well and (b) a horizontal CO2 injection well, in order to optimize the CO2 sequestration capacity of an aquifer. The optimized calculations from GATOUGH2 are compared with the brute force nearly optimized results obtained by performing a large number of calculations. These comparisons demonstrate the significant efficiency and accuracy of GATOUGH2 as an optimizer compared to using TOUGH2 in a brute force manner. This capability holds a great promise in studying a host of other problems in CO2 sequestration such as how to optimally accelerate the capillary trapping, accelerate the dissolution of CO2 in water or brine, and immobilize the CO2 plume.
Publish Year: 2013
Published in: Computers and Fluids - Science Direct
Abstract: In this paper we present a Universal and Interoper-able Ground Control Station (UIGCS) simulator for fixed androtary wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and all types ofpayloads. One of the major constraints is to operate and man-age multiple legacy and future UAVs, taking into account thecompliance with NATO Combined/Joint Services OperationalEnvironment (STANAG 4586). Another purpose of the station isto assign the UAV a certain degree of autonomy, via autonomousplanification/replanification strategies. The paper is organizedas follows.In Section 2, we describe the non-linear models of the fixed androtary wing UAVs that we use in the simulator.In Section 3, we describe the simulator architecture, which isbased upon interacting modules programmed independently.This simulator is linked with an open source flight simulator, tosimulate the video flow and the moving target in 3D. To concludethis part, we tackle briefly the problem of the Matlab/Simulinksoftware connection (used to model the UAV_s dynamic) with thesimulation of the virtual environment.Section 5 deals with the control module of a flight path of theUAV. The control system is divided into four distinct hierarchicallayers: flight path, navigation controller, autopilot and flightcontrol surfaces controller.In the Section 6, we focus on the trajectory planifica-tion/replanification question for fixed wing UAV. Indeed, one ofthe goals of this work is to increase the autonomy of the UAV. Wepropose two types of algorithms, based upon 1) the methods ofthe tangent and 2) an original Lyapunov-type method. Thesealgorithms allow either to join a fixed pattern or to track amoving target.Finally, Section 7 presents simulation results obtained on oursimulator, concerning a rather complicated scenario of mission.
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بازدید امروز : 9
بازدید دیروز : 10
بازدید هفته : 21
بازدید ماه : 540
بازدید کل : 316574
تعداد مطالب : 143
تعداد نظرات : 1
تعداد آنلاین : 1